Friday, October 12, 2012

one week...

GUESS WHAT. my mother comes to Ukraine to travel with me in one week from today. so happy & excited. WOW! holy moses! I can't wait! is there a pill for being too excited? well, anywho, ONE. WEEK. 7 DAYS. & I DON'T KNOW HOW MANY HOURS. until... pure happiness!

can't wait mummy,
love you


Wednesday, October 10, 2012

please excuse me.

so, there's no longer Edgar & Lyla writing...
I still practice them & play them. but they are no longer in my posts, so when you look back on previous messages... ignore them.
ok, well letting you know. I'm working on remaking this masterpiece into something memorable. so it's under construction right now. 
NO WORRIES. it'll be up & running just the way I want it soon... but enjoy my other blog with the adventures of me in Ukraine...

it's quite exciting.. so I'm not writing in this one very much.. 

Friday, June 22, 2012

sad, & grieving.

yepp. taylor's bitter & dumb, but she's a suga pie.
taylor hasn't played me for more than a week. i'm beginning to go through my taylor withdrawls. i need her fingers, and her wit to help me come out of this depression of not having a purpose. oh taylor, i beg of you, play with me...

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

-Sarah's Key-

yepp. taylor's bitter & dumb, but she's a suga pie.

I recently watched this amazing, inspirational movie, that I couldn't forget. it's been with me now for 4 days, still engraved in my brain. every scene, song, event, line. I can't seem to forget any of it. & I guess to make this matter better/worse I bought the whole album (by Max Richter!!! he's unbelievable) & I've been listening to it almost non-stop. This movie is...
Sarah's Key
All I will say about this story is that, everyone's story needs to be heard somehow. how ever big or small. Everyone needs to be heard. who knows, your story could help another. I know this story helped me and I thank the lord this movie/book fell into my lap and made me realize how fortunate I am, but oh-so-much ready to go out on my own.

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

school. school.

So it begins.
My Senior Year. What shall I expect? hmm... I know. CLICK DRAMA. <-- eww. & getting ready for college. I'm in Plenty of Concurent Credit classes, & that's a lot of time to fill up.

MUHAHAHA... any suggestions for senior PRANKS? I need some splendid ideas.
here's one:

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

this is for taylor's graduation.
taylor plans on playing this song on me for graduation. she's a huge fan of yo-yo ma anyway. She was excellent at playing Elgar's Cello Concerto, but this one, she's going to blow out of the water! she always feels so comfortable with me. she always hugs me. & says goodnight to me. She always wants me to feel loved. so in return... I'm going to sound my best for her.
Love you Taylor,
love edgar.

new song.

taylor figured out how to play a bunch of lady gaga songs on me. & i've never had so much fun being played. she's excellent at playing songs by ear. from long days of being banged on by little kids, she always cheers me up by playing a lady gaga song. she learned Bad Romance & Paparazzi.
thanks taylor,
love lyla.

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

hope youu lovers these.... because i'm addicted. loverly loverly loves it.

i love photo editing. that's all i can say. is it sad to say i take a bunch of pictures of myself? it's too much fun. hope ya like em.