Friday, October 12, 2012

one week...

GUESS WHAT. my mother comes to Ukraine to travel with me in one week from today. so happy & excited. WOW! holy moses! I can't wait! is there a pill for being too excited? well, anywho, ONE. WEEK. 7 DAYS. & I DON'T KNOW HOW MANY HOURS. until... pure happiness!

can't wait mummy,
love you


Wednesday, October 10, 2012

please excuse me.

so, there's no longer Edgar & Lyla writing...
I still practice them & play them. but they are no longer in my posts, so when you look back on previous messages... ignore them.
ok, well letting you know. I'm working on remaking this masterpiece into something memorable. so it's under construction right now. 
NO WORRIES. it'll be up & running just the way I want it soon... but enjoy my other blog with the adventures of me in Ukraine...

it's quite exciting.. so I'm not writing in this one very much.. 