Wednesday, April 20, 2011

hope youu lovers these.... because i'm addicted. loverly loverly loves it.

i love photo editing. that's all i can say. is it sad to say i take a bunch of pictures of myself? it's too much fun. hope ya like em.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

homework & series of unfortunate events.

today i've been listening to the soundtrack of series of unfortunate events, and it makes me want to cry. it's so beautiful. & i'm a lover for Jim Carey. "I will love these orphans as if they were actually wanted." haha. so.
Now doing homework... english in fact. we just finished the crucible and let me tell youu, it's weird. i wouldn't read it by choice. crazy crap. but it does explain a lot about the RED SCARE. Ahhhh. you COMMUNIST! na. just jokin. or am i?
Okay... got to get back to homework. :]
goodbye world.